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How to Best Support Ourselves and Our Children in College

Monday, September 16, 2024 13 Elul 5784

8:00 PM - 9:00 PMZoom Only

We are delighted to introduce a new workshop specifically for parents preparing to send their college-bound children off for the year.

This workshop aims to equip parents with tools and resources to manage overwhelm, cope with stress, and navigate potential challenges. This training workshop will provide valuable insights into young-adult wellness, equip parents with strategies to support their child's independence, and enhance their own skills for navigating this transition. Zoom only.

Please click here for a form to fill in prior to the meeting.

Questions? Please email our social worker Rabbi Adam Huttel at ahuttel@jbfcs.org or call 917-601-1783.

Click here to join on Zoom or dial-in audio at +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 613 613 3703
Please email office@thebayit.org for password. 


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Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784