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Prepare for the High Holidays w/Bayit Teachers - This September 


Echoes of the Shofar | The Cries of Sarah and the Cries of Sisera's Mother - September 14 


Clothing Swap - September 14 


Ruth & Howard Bromberg z"l Chesed Day - September 15 


Brunch & Talk with Dr. Aliza Lavie - September 15 


How to Best Support Ourselves and Our Children in College - September 16 


Rami Reuveni Comedy Show - September 17 


Pre Selichot Ma'agal Shira - Circle of Song - September 28


Youth Programming  

Yofi Tofi - Hebrew-immersion Playgroup - September 15  


Youth Erev Rosh Hashana Funday - October 2 


High Holiday Childcare - October 3-4    


Kol Ha'Nearim Tallit   




Click here to view ongoing programming. 


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784