Governing Documents and Executive Leadership
Constitution & By-Laws: The Bayit's Constitution was updated in 2012. The full text can be found here.
Executive Committee: Oversight of ongoing operations rests primarily with the Executive Committee. This group also identifies and prepares strategic initiatives and makes recommendations to the full Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee is comprised of the eight officers and at least 4 trustees. They are actively advised by the Rabbinic Staff, Executive Director and past presidents who are non-voting members of this group.
Board of Trustees: Authority for major decisions rests with the fifty-four members of the Board of Trustees. Trustees represent a cross section of our community with a mix of older and younger members, men and women, relative newcomers and long-time residents from a wide range of professional and educational backgrounds. The rights and responsibilities of the trustees are outlined here.
Leadership Teams
Budget & Finance Committee: This group led by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary is responsible for preparing the annual budget and monitoring the synagogues performance during the course of the year.
Child Protection Committee: Led by Rav Steven and several lay leaders this group ensures compliance with our Child Protection Policy. You can learn more about Child Protection @ the Bayit here.
Investment Committee: In 2013 several Bayit members generously established a Heritage Fund to build long-term financial stability for the Bayit. The initial plan to reinvest 100% of the net returns through 2018 has been extended until 2024. The Heritage Fund Statement of Principles can be found here.
House Committee: Our 35,000 square foot facility serves as a place of prayer and study, as well as a community center for celebrations, community gatherings and programs. The House Committee oversees all updates and upgrades to the various rooms in our building to ensure a consistent aesthetic, high quality of workmanship and to maintain the multi-use nature of our space.
LGBTQ+ Task Force: In 2020 the Bayit brought together a group of members to work with the Senior Rabbi and Executive Director to formulate policy and programming changes to make the Bayit a place of welcome for LGBTQ+ Jews in an Orthodox setting.
Programming & Community Support
Youth Committee
Chesed Committee
Chevra Kadisha
Community Partners
A synagogue is one part of a vibrant Jewish Community. Many of our members are also active in these vibrant organizations around Riverdale:
- Riverdale Hatzalah
- Riverdale Mikvah
- Riverdale Y
- SAR Academy & High School
- Kinneret Day School
- Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
- Yeshivat Maharat