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Pre Selichot Ma'agal Shira - Song Circle with Elli Kranzler and Band

Saturday Night, September 28th • Doors open: 9:15pm | Livestream: 9:30pm

This year, with all that has happened in Eretz Yisrael and around the world, in place of a concert, let's join hearts to sign and daven as a community, for Am Yisrael.

This event will be in-person only and will not include a livestream. Please register using the form below. Registration is required. We recommend a gift of $25/person, but any amount is gratefully accepted. 

We will begin Selichot at the Bayit at about 10:30pm after the Song Circle ends. Tefillah will be available on Zoom after the Song Circle.  

This event is dedicated in loving memory of Marion & David Zierler z"l by their children.

Filling out forms and making payments is easier, faster and more secure when you log in!

If you do not have an account please fill out as a visitor and you information will be securely transmitted.

What happens when you log in to your account on the Bayit website?
 1. Fields pre-fill with your name/address/phone # - saving you time!
 2. You can pay with an e-check. Safest and fastest (after the 1x setup) way to pay with no processing fee.
 3. You can use a securely saved credit card without re-entering your information each time.
 4. You can pay by applying any credit balance on your account, or make your pledge and “bill
     to account” if you prefer to send payment from a DAF or mail a check..

Click here for a pictorial guide to logging in.

Registration requires a donation. We recommend a donation of $25 per person, but any amount is gratefully accepted.


Sponsors of $100 or more will be recognized in the program for the evening


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784