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מגילת שיר השירים

Megillat Shir Hashirim

Recorded by Bayit Ba'al Keriah Bernie Horowitz

Visit www.thebayit.org/parasha for more information about the Parasha Project recordings

of Parashat Hashavua and the Five Megillot


Dedication form - Click here to dedicate a Parasha or Megillah!

Read about the Kamatz Katan in Megillat Shir Hashirim


Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 1
Megillat Shir Hashirim - Chapter 2
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 3
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 4
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 5
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 6
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 7
Megillat Shir Hashirim Chapter 8
Fri, December 20 2024 19 Kislev 5785